
TEAMS Management Reports

TEAMS Management Reports is a module that, using Facility ManagIntelligence, helps generate detailed reports of multiple activities.


Why a business needs TEAMS Management Reports

Reports are consolidated databases helping the management understand the business situation, through the trending figures. Besides, detailed analytical and comprehensive reports also help in identifying gaps, operational flaws and chalking out a plan of action in line with the information received.

The TEAMS Management Reports module specifically helps generate detailed reports of multiple activities. It is an effective tool to gather information in a consolidated form as and when required.


TEAMS Management Reports – Key Functionalities

Independent Reports

This module provides an independent report database of every other module in use by the client.

Multiple Formats

Clicking on a particular module would give you various reports in multiple formats thus giving you a holistic as well as a detailed parameter based perspective of every business activity.

Types of Formats

The module can generate reports in multiple formats such as graphical (which is available on the dashboard), and in PDF as well as PPT formats. The reports are automatically generated and uploaded in the system, thus eradicating the need for manual data transfer or upload and further reducing any human errors.

Applicable to all Types of Modules

For multiple modules such as energy, complaints, schedules, KPI, HQSE, manpower performance, and inventory, TEAMS Management Reports module gives a set of detailed analytical reports comprised of the respective elements and aspects associated with each of the modules. Let us look at a couple of them in detail.

Energy Consumption Reports

In case of the daily energy consumption of a particular zone, department or a floor, or the entire unit as a whole, you will get a detailed report of the current ongoing energy consumption, past energy consumption, consumption that has happened during a particular date range, etc.

Complaints Module

In case of the complaints module, the system gives you a detailed report of the number and types of complaints such as engineering complaints, TFM complaints, etc. for a particular date range. In addition, clicking on a particular complaint type gives you a further detailed report of the complaint sub-type and department wise complaints raised during a particular date range and/ or month. Issue type complaints feature facilitates the trending of the top 3 complaints during a period, in multiple formats.

Other Modules

Further, if you have other modules such as KPI, schedules, HQSE, manpower performance, inventory, the system gives you complete reports of each of the modules including all the necessary measuring and determining parameters involved.


What will you get out of TEAMS Management Reports Module?

Introducing TEAMS management reports module within your work processes leads to several benefits.

Data Availability

Data pertaining to all aspects of all modules is available 24/7.

Report Generation

It generates detailed reports that help analyze data trends, consumption patterns, sites that show energy over-consumption, scheduling, manpower performance etc. on a real-time basis.


It gives the management an insight about the ground realities, figures and the information associated with it.

KPI Monitoring

It helps monitor staff performance on a real-time basis apart from a better and more informed evaluation of KPIs.

Inventory Tracking

The module helps to monitor inventory by keeping track of consumption and availability of inventory, along with its patterns and reasons.