
TEAMS Work Permit System

A customized solution, TEAMS Work Permit System assures and relieves business owners of their work permit hassles.


Why a business needs the TEAMS Work Permit System

A work permit is not a mere piece of paper that qualifies ‘someone’ to perform work. It is deemed to be an approval issued only after all the checks have been done. Issuing the right work permit to the right person is necessary to ensure that the scheduled activities are carried out in a safe and secure manner, using the right gear and right equipment. Although, performing manual checks and issuing manual work permits may be cumbersome and time-consuming prone to errors and clashes.

In today’s technologically advanced world, there is an increased awareness towards safety and security at the workplace, and with the use of complex machines and equipment, it has become necessary for business owners to induct an automated work permit system. TEAMS Work Permit System is designed to fulfill all the supervisory needs of work permits. With its Facility ManagIntelligence, TEAMS offers a system that ensures compliance and adherence to work permit policies and procedures.


TEAMS Work Permit System – Key Functionalities

Electrical Work Permit

As the name suggests, an electrical work permit is issued to perform electrical activities in industrial premises, hotels etc. This functionality allows the user to view the work permits issued for a specific date range. In order to record everything related to the work permit, the system asks for details such as an auto-generated department specific permit number, the service provider conducting the work, the location of operations, the application date and the end date along with the time of issuance, and the expiration time. It also includes details such as the number of workers involved in the operation and a free-flow text description to add additional information.

Confined Space Entry Work Permit

Confined space entry work permit involves a space that is sparsely occupied or seldom visited, and has limited means of entry or exit. For instance, spaces like pipelines, vaults, manholes, tanks are counted under confined spaces. A confined space entry work permit includes the same details as in the electrical work permit.

Height Working Permit

Activities such as painting, fitting, some construction processes etc. involve working on heights. TEAMS Work Permit System involves the issuance of work permits for activities performed at heights. The generic details of the work permit remain the same.

Hot Working Permits

The work permit issued for activities such as cutting, brazing, burning, soldering, making use of powder-actuated tools, etc. is termed as a hot working permit. As with other work permits, a hot working permit is issued only post the standard checks and additional checks as prescribed by the organization.

Work Consideration

This feature involves the checklist for a particular activity. For instance, an electrical work will involve checks associated with electrical equipment, wires and cables, provision of ELCB/ MCB, provision of proper earthing, isolation of equipment/ isolation, inspection and/ or insulation of all the relevant tools, whether there is a check/ mechanism/ process in place to restrict entry of unqualified people in the work area, whether the person involved in the activity is alone or assisted by someone, is the area oil-spillage proof, is there a fire-extinguisher in the area, is there a warning sign posted in the location, etc. All these checks need to be responded with a Yes/ No/ N/A to move onto the next process.

Manpower and License

This functionality will help the people who are/ were involved in a particular work. It includes the name of the worker, the service provider’s name and the signature of the worker. This helps you track who is doing what and also to address issues/ concerns if any. Besides, TEAMS Work Permits System also helps you to manage the licensing part required to be issued for each kind of work.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It is important to ensure that the worker is wearing the standard prescribed personal protective gear before entering the work premises, while being in the work premises and while being at work. This idea is to keep the worker safe and secure from workplace hazards. Based on the activity to be performed, PPE involves checks on safety gloves, helmets, attire, safety shoes, safety belts, safety glasses, etc.

Work Permit Re-issuance

This functionality comes into the picture in case of an extension of date and/ or time to some incomplete work. The re-issuance permit includes the extended time and date, name and signature of the area in-charge, maintenance HoD, HSE approval authority and an undertaking of reissuing the work permit after having inspected the necessary aspects.

Work Completion

This functionality facilitates a comprehensive completion undertaking by the area in-charge, maintenance in-charge, and the HSE in-charge with the date, time, name and signatures. It also involves an undertaking of the understanding of the work-nature, safety precautions to be taken. Further, it includes an agreement along with an acceptance of stopping work on an immediate basis in case of changes to the working conditions.

Report Generation

TEAMS Work Permit System facilitates specific as well generic reports that help you gain a comprehensive view of the work permit data and analyze data. It also helps you investigate unforeseen events through the available data.