
TEAMS Power Business Analytics System

TEAMS Business Analytics is a full-fledged tool to give your business the data, input and insight that is critical for better and more informed decision-making.


Why a business needs TEAMS Business Analytics System

All businesses know the criticality of complete, comprehensive business information. All businesses know that knowledge is power. TEAMS Business Analytics is the tool that converts the business information that you have into knowledge. How? By applying Facility ManagIntelligence to the otherwise unmanageable mountain of business information that you generate.


TEAMS Business Analytics System – Key Functionalities
We will look at the features of TEAMS Business Analytics through the below example.
Suppose you generate a requests report for the month of January 2018. There were 100 requests raised during the entire month. Out of the 100 requests, 50 requests were closed, 30 requests are still in process, 10 requests are pending or require advanced solutions, and remaining 10 requests were escalated. Let us look at how TEAMS BI helps you in such a scenario.

End Point Analysis

In the above example, besides generating the overall report, TEAMS Power BI helps you deep dive in each of the resolution statuses. For instance, you decide to carry out an investigation or analysis of the escalated requests. TEAMS Power BI enables you to delve into each of the escalated requests, understand the reason for the request, reason for delay, reason for escalation, name of the person who raised the request, name of the person who handled the request, time of receipt, time of acknowledgement and so on until the last resource involved in the case!

Identifying the Pain Area

Understanding the reason behind the delay and the reason for escalation will help you identify the pain area. Power BI also helps you identify single instances as well recurring ones. You may further decide a corrective course of action and prioritize concerns.

Historical Information

Suppose you want to compare the details of the current month’s requests with the past month requests. You do it to understand if there is an increment or reduction in the number of requests, escalations, closure, etc. Power BI not only helps you analyze the ongoing data log but also helps you extract historical business analytical information. TEAMS thus enables you to comprehend request patterns, trends, recurring escalations, SLA adherence, etc.


What will you get out of TEAMS Business Analytics System?

When you apply Facility ManagIntelligence to your business information, here’s how you benefit!


TEAMS Power BI is fully customizable to suit your specific requirements. It comes with additional features, enhanced functionalities, focus on specific features, reduced number of features, etc. based on your requirement.


Knowledge is Power. Teams Power BI gives you the power to make informed decisions that work for your business.

Strategic Planning Inputs

TEAMS Power BI keeps you ahead of the competition, by computing, analyzing and presenting you with business intelligence that allows you to forecast, plan ahead and attain a key strategic edge in a competitive world.